An initial consultation with Dr Goh can take up to two hours long. This allows Dr Goh and his team to perform the appropriate tests and scans, discuss options, and provide treatment if appropriate.

It is recommended that you do NOT plan to drive home after your visit. Often eye drops are instilled which preclude you from driving for up to 2-3 hours.


Reception staff will sign you in and may ask you to fill in a questionnaire.

Reception staff will let the orthoptists and Dr Goh know that you have arrived.


Orthoptists will discuss your issues and perform preliminary tests and scans based on your eye issue and the details within the referral letter.

i. Tests include measuring vision and eye pressure and performing a visual field assessment.

ii. Scans include OCT scans (“optical biopsy”) of your macula and nerves, ultrawide field retinal imaging, corneal tomography, and ocular biometry.

Orthoptists will instil eye drops if required, for example pupil dilating drops or numbing drops in preparation of your consultation with Dr Goh. Pupil dilating drops can take 30-40minutes to take full effect and your vision may be blurred for 2-3 hours during which time you should NOT drive. Numbing drops usually take effect within a minute and last approximately 30 minutes.


Dr Goh will then meet with you to:

– Discuss your issues.

– Review your test and scan results.

– Examine your eyes.

– Discuss treatment options tailored to your condition.

– Dr Goh may request further tests or scans if required.

– In certain circumstances treatment may be performed during the initial consultation and in others may need to be planned for a future date.